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Pipe beveler focused on super alloys
The Prepzilla MillHog ID clamping pipe beveler is a self-centering unit with a range of up to 1.575-inch inner diameter to 8.625 inches outer diameter. The unit has one mandrel and eight sets of interchangeable clamps. Featuring dual-opposed tapered roller bearings and heat-treated and hardened clamping, cutting and operating components, this welding end prep tool provides enough torque behind the blade to get under super duplex stainless steel, P-51 and other super alloys.

Esco Tool, Holliston, Massachusetts, 800/343-6926,

welder using the Prepzilla MillHog ID clamping pipe beveler
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Bandsaw offers rigid, small footprint
the V-1824 vertical tilt-frame manual band saw
Developed as a more affordable option for those in non-production settings, the V-1824 vertical tilt-frame manual band saw allows for miter cuts ranging from 0-60 degrees, both left to right. The saw is equipped with a 11/4-inch blade, a 5-hp blade motor, and comes standard with an adjustable 0-5 degree blade cant to help increase blade life and provide efficient cuts. Blade speeds range from 75-375 feet per minute. Precision feed pressure and feed rate valve controls allow for quick adjustments depending on the material being cut.

Cosen Saws, Charlotte, North Carolina, 704/943-1030,